Pure functions are a part of functional programming paradigm
Why pure functions?
- Clean code
- Easy to test and debug
- Decoupled and independent from the program so that we could use this as a utility function
- A pure function should always have at least one parameter otherwise they are same as constants
const name = "Bipul"; console.log(name); //same as a constant const firstName = () => "Bipul"; console.log(firstName());
Same input always gives same output
We can replace the functions with the output which is called referential transparency.
For example:
const getFullName = (firstName, lastName) => `${firstName} ${lastName}`;
//referncial transperency
const myFullName = getFullName("Bipul", "Sharma")
console.log( `My name is ${myFullName}`); //My name is Bipul Sharma
- No side effects
This means:
No accessing scope outside the function
No accessing database, API, filesystem, storage, etc
No modifying DOM
No console logging
No input could be mutated, all input to be immutable
- A pure function always returns something
// Here we are accessing z(present in the global scope)
//This is completely fine in javascript
//But this makes the multiply function impure
const z = 5;
const multiply = (x, y) => x * y * z;
const ans = multiply(1, 2);
console.log(ans); //10
//Here we are mutating the value of num
//Also referencing num from outside the scope of the function impureMultiplByTen .
let num = 10;
const impureMultiplByTen = () => num*=10;
console.log(impureMultiplByTen ())//100
//Converting this to a pure function
const pureMultiplyByTen = (num) => num*10
//Again here we are mutating myFavFoods
let myFavFoods = ["Anything with lots of cheese", "Panner items with NaaN"];
const impureAddToMyFavFoods = (myFavFoods, moreFood) => {
return myFavFoods;
console.log(impureAddToMyFavFoods (myFavFoods, "Kadai Chicken"));
//["Anything with lots of cheese", "Panner items with NaaN", "Kadai Chicken"]
//["Anything with lots of cheese", "Panner items with NaaN", "Kadai Chicken"]
//Converting this to a pure function
const pureAddToMyFavFoods = (myFavFoods, moreFood) => [...myFavFoods, moreFood]
//["Anything with lots of cheese", "Panner items with NaaN", "Kadai Chicken"]
//["Anything with lots of cheese", "Panner items with NaaN"];
// Some pure higher order functions
const numbers = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10];
const evens = numbers.filter((num) => num % 2 === 0);
console.log(evens); //[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
const halfed = numbers.map((num) => num / 2);
console.log(halfed); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
const add = numbers.reduce((acc, val) => acc + val, 0);
console.log(add); //30
console.log(numbers); //[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
Happy Coding ๐