React Lifecycle Methods

React Lifecycle Methods

Every component in react goes through a series of lifecycle events very similar to that of human lifecycle: cycle of birth, growth and death.
In react we call them :
Mounting: Birth of the component
Updating: Growth of the component
Unmounting: Death of the component

Lifecycle methods:

  1. render()

    • As the name suggests if you want to render elements in the DOM, we could use the render() method.
    • render() mounts the component onto the DOM and renders them to the UI.
    • render() is invoked whenever there is a variation in the component’s state (this.state) or props(this.props).
    • React requires render() to be pure i.e with no side-effects which means you cannot update component's state within render (no using setState).
    • render() could return strings, numbers, arrays, fragments, Booleans or null value, portal, or React elements.
    • render() will not be invoked if shouldComponentUpdate() returns false.

      //return string
      render() {return "Hello!!"}

      //return null, doesnt render anything
      render() {return null}

      //return fragments
      render() {return (<React.Fragment><div>Hello</div></React.Fragment>)}

      //return arrays
      render() {return [<div key="1">Hello</div>, <div key="2">World</div>];}

      //return Components
      render() {return <div>Hello {}</div>}

  2. componentDidMount() 👶

    • After the render() method, when the component has been inserted into the DOM, componentDidMount() is called.
    • Here one can setup any subscriptions or send any network requests.
    • Also one could update state using setState inside componentDidMount() which would further trigger a render.
    • However, the problem here is that it may cause performance issues so it is advisable to this pattern with cation. Good practice includes you assigning value to the initial state.
      For example: Consider that you setState of a component initailly in the first render and the thing to which you are going to setState is in the localStorage.
      So instead of doing something like this which could again trigger a render because of setState:
    • You could give your state an initial value: state=JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("someData"))
    • This pattern is mostly used when you need to measusre a DOM node before rendering something that depends upon its size. Example: tooltips, modals or incases where you need to measure window dimensions
    • In functional React it is similar to React.useEffect with an empty dependency array React.useEffect(() => { // Your code here }, []) Example:

  3. componentDidUpdate() 💅

    • It runs anytime there are changes to state or props to this component
      For example: If you type something on the input field (i.e. if you update the component), componentDidUpdate() runs and update is console logged into the console.
    • In functional React it is similar to React.useEffect with an no dependency array React.useEffect(() => { // Your code here })
    • componentDidUpdate() also receives prevState and prevProps as parameters and also the newly changed state or props.
    • In functional React it is similar to React.useEffect with some dependency array React.useEffect(() => { // Your code here },[dependencies])
    • This is very important as you could setState by wrapping a condition to check for state or prop changes from previous state which can save from an infinite loop to occur.
    • If you directly use setState within this function, it will trigger render and componentDidUpdate infinitely
      For example: Here if you comment out the check for prevState and click on the + button componentDidUpdate()will trigger the setState then the render() and again the componentDidUpdate() and so on.


  • componentWillUnmount() is called just before the component is unmounted and destroyed. If there are any cleanup actions that you would need to do, like canceling network requests, invalidating timers, or cleaning up unwanted subscriptions that were created in the componentDidMount() method.
  • In functional React it is similar to React.useEffect with a return function React.useEffect(() => { // Your code here return()=>{//cleanup code} },[])
  • One cannot modify the state in componentWillUnmount() method
  • For example: Here in this code if you comment the componentWillUnmount() and try to toggle the windowTraker and unmount it from the screen and then resize the window, you will get an error saying
    Warning: Can't perform a React state update on an unmounted component. This is a no-op, but it indicates a memory leak in your application
    This is because the imperative mannual addeventListner is still listning for the resize event which then calls watchwidth which tries to setState to the component that is not mounted anymore

          import React from "react";
          export default class App extends React.Component {
            state = {
              show: true,
              windowWidth: window.innerWidth
            watchWidth = () => {
              this.setState({ windowWidth: window.innerWidth });
            componentDidMount() {
              window.addEventListener("resize", this.watchWidth);
            componentWillUnmount() {
              window.removeEventListener("resize", this.watchWidth);
            render() {
              return (
                    onClick={() =>
                      this.setState((prevState) => ({ show: ! }))
                    Toggle WindowTracker
                  { && <h1>Window width: {this.state.windowWidth}px</h1>}

    These are most commonly used lifecycle methods. There are more methods which you can find them here.

Happy coding 🚀